Thursday, June 20, 2019

Random at Work

Halo readers.


Can’t believe it’s finally here because honestly, this week sucks! Miscommunication and our team synergy just dropped like cray cray. But truthfully that’s just the later “whys” in the Why-Why Analysis. The intensity was definitely triggered because the big boss did the ‘fear management’ styled then the dissatisfaction got translated down to the subordinates. Of course…

So anyways… it’s the Hari Raya celebration at work so I had to wear traditional attire which generally means wearing skirt. And my goodness… I do not fancy wearing skirt because it limits my movement. But that’s not my point. Actually, I wanted to point out that Koobs styled me today hehehe. I chose the top and bottom. He picked my tudung and helped me with the rest. Tucked the top out, pin in the bottom because it’s slightly big for me at the waist.

So… tadaaaa!

He got taste hehehe.
